
definePageMeta is a compiler macro that you can use to set metadata for your page components located in the pages/ directory (unless set otherwise). This way you can set custom metadata for each static or dynamic route of your Nuxt application.

<script setup>
    layout: 'default'


definePageMeta(meta: PageMeta) => void

interface PageMeta {
  validate?: (route: RouteLocationNormalized) => boolean | Promise<boolean> | Partial<NuxtError> | Promise<Partial<NuxtError>>
  redirect?: RouteRecordRedirectOption
  alias?: string | string[]
  pageTransition?: boolean | TransitionProps
  layoutTransition?: boolean | TransitionProps
  key?: false | string | ((route: RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded) => string)
  keepalive?: boolean | KeepAliveProps
  layout?: false | LayoutKey | Ref<LayoutKey> | ComputedRef<LayoutKey>
  middleware?: MiddlewareKey | NavigationGuard | Array<MiddlewareKey | NavigationGuard>
  [key: string]: any



  • Type: PageMeta
    An object accepting the following page metadata:
    • Type: string | string[]
      Aliases for the record. Allows defining extra paths that will behave like a copy of the record. Allows having paths shorthands like /users/:id and /u/:id. All alias and path values must share the same params.

    • Type: boolean | KeepAliveProps
      Set to true when you want to preserve page state across route changes or use the KeepAliveProps for a fine-grained control.

    • Type: false | string | ((route: RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded) => string)
      Set key value when you need more control over when the <NuxtPage> component is re-rendered.

    • Type: false | LayoutKey | Ref<LayoutKey> | ComputedRef<LayoutKey>
      Set a static or dynamic name of the layout for each route. This can be set to false in case the default layout needs to be disabled.

    • Type: boolean | TransitionProps
      Set name of the transition to apply for current layout. You can also set this value to false to disable the layout transition.

    • Type: MiddlewareKey | NavigationGuard | Array<MiddlewareKey | NavigationGuard>
      Define anonymous or named middleware directly within definePageMeta. Learn more about route middleware.

    • Type: boolean | TransitionProps
      Set name of the transition to apply for current page. You can also set this value to false to disable the page transition.

    • Type: RouteRecordRedirectOption
      Where to redirect if the route is directly matched. The redirection happens before any navigation guard and triggers a new navigation with the new target location.

    • Type: (route: RouteLocationNormalized) => boolean | Promise<boolean> | Partial<NuxtError> | Promise<Partial<NuxtError>>
      Validate whether a given route can validly be rendered with this page. Return true if it is valid, or false if not. If another match can't be found, this will mean a 404. You can also directly return an object with statusCode/statusMessage to respond immediately with an error (other matches will not be checked).

    [key: string]


Basic Usage

The example below demonstrates:

  • how key can be a function that returns a value;
  • how keepalive property makes sure that the <modal> component is not cached when switching between multiple components;
  • adding pageType as a custom property:
<script setup>
    key: (route) => route.fullPath,

    keepalive: {
      exclude: ['modal']

    pageType: 'Checkout'

Defining Middleware

The example below shows how the middleware can be defined using a function directly within the definePageMeta or set as a string that matches the middleware file name located in the middleware/ directory:

<script setup>
    // define middleware as a function
    middleware: [
      function (to, from) {
        const auth = useState('auth')

        if (!auth.value.authenticated) {
            return navigateTo('/login')

        if (to.path !== '/checkout') {
          return navigateTo('/checkout')

    // ... or a string
    middleware: 'auth'

    // ... or multiple strings
    middleware: ['auth', 'another-named-middleware']

Defining Layout

You can define the layout that matches the layout's file name located (by default) in the layouts/ directory. You can also disable the layout by setting the layout to false:

<script setup>
    // set custom layout
    layout: 'admin'

    // ... or disable a default layout
    layout: false